To cite package ‘tmsens’ in publications use: Hazewinkel A, Bowden J, Wade K, Palmer T, Wiles N, Tilling K (2023). “Sensitivity to missing not at random dropout in clinical trials: Use and interpretation of the trimmed means estimator.” _Statistics in Medicine_, *41*(8), 1462-1481. doi:10.1002/sim.9299 . A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{tmsens, title = {{Sensitivity to missing not at random dropout in clinical trials: Use and interpretation of the trimmed means estimator}}, author = {Audinga-Dea Hazewinkel and Jack Bowden and Katilin Wade and Tom Palmer and Nicola Wiles and Kate Tilling}, journal = {Statistics in Medicine}, year = {2023}, volume = {41}, number = {8}, pages = {1462--1481}, doi = {10.1002/sim.9299}, }