Title: | Knit Exercise Questions and Solutions from the Same R Markdown Document |
Description: | Provides a function to knit questions and solutions documents from the same R Markdown document. |
Authors: | Tom Palmer [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Tom Palmer <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 0.4.1 |
Built: | 2025-01-06 12:37:53 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/remlapmot/knitexercise |
This package provides a custom knit function, knit_exercise()
, which sets the global
chunk option include
. This is controlled by setting the solutions
parameter in
the YAML header of the R Markdown document.
To generate your output document with questions set solutions: FALSE
For your output document containing the solutions set solutions: TRUE
Your YAML header should look something like the following.
--- title: My Title author: My Name params: solutions: FALSE knit: knitexercise::knit_exercise output: html_document ---
For your solutions output document -solutions
is added to the filename before
the file extension.
There is a template R Markdown document which you can open through the following menu in RStudio: File | New File | R Markdown... | From Template, or with the following code.
rmarkdown::draft( "my_exercise.Rmd", template = "exercise_template", package = "knitexercise" )
Maintainer: Tom Palmer [email protected] (ORCID)
Useful links:
Report bugs at https://github.com/remlapmot/knitexercise/issues
This function adds -solutions
to the end of the filename before the file extension
of the output document from your R Markdown document when rendered by clicking the
Knit button in RStudio and when you have set solutions: TRUE
in the params:
of your YAML header.
knit_exercise(inputFile, encoding)
knit_exercise(inputFile, encoding)
inputFile |
The name of the R Markdown file to be rendered. |
encoding |
As per |
This function is used with the knit:
field of the YAML header of an R Markdown file.
For example, if you want pdf output the YAML header would be as follows.
--- title: My Title params: solutions: TRUE output: pdf_document knit: knitexercise::knit_exercise ---
This function also sets the global chunk option include
to the value specified by
, i.e. set solutions: FALSE
for your questions document and
solutions: TRUE
for your solutions document.
This function is modified from the following example by Yihui Xie https://bookdown.org/yihui/rmarkdown-cookbook/custom-knit.html.
## Not run: # To launch the R Markdown template run rmarkdown::draft( 'exercise.Rmd', template = 'exercise_template', package = 'knitexercise') ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # To launch the R Markdown template run rmarkdown::draft( 'exercise.Rmd', template = 'exercise_template', package = 'knitexercise') ## End(Not run)