Generating questions and solutions documents from the same R Markdown or Quarto document


This package provides a simple extra helper function when knitting an .Rmd file in which we have questions and solutions.

We ensure elements which are questions are either included as R Markdown text or from a code chunk with the chunk option include=TRUE.

We suppress or show the solutions with the knitr global document include chunk option controlled by a setup chunk at the beginning of the document as follows

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(include = FALSE) # set to TRUE for solutions document

Paragraph R Markdown text for the solutions is included in asis code chunks.

A simple example Rmd file

Therefore a simple .Rmd file might be the following.

title: "Example exercise"
author: "My Name"
output: html_document

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(include = FALSE) # change to TRUE when knitting solutions

1. This is question 1. Which might have some R code you always want to show.
   ```{r, include=TRUE}
   # example code for the question

   Paragraph text for the solution can be kept in the document in an `asis` chunk.
   And solution R code in an `r` chunk.
   Both of these will use the `include` value from the `setup` chunk.
   # example code for the solution

2. This is question 2.

To render the solutions output file change the setting for include within the setup chunk.

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(include = TRUE)

Setting the global include chunk option also works in a Quarto document using the Knitr engine.

Parameterising our Rmd file

Instead of changing the include option in the setup chunk in the YAML header we can specify a params parameter with name of our choosing and pass it to knitr::opts_chunk(include) as follows.

title: "Example exercise"
author: "My Name"
output: html_document
  solutions: FALSE

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(include = params$solutions)
<!-- ...Rest of document... -->

To generate both questions and solutions output documents from the single Rmd file we could run the following code at an R prompt.

rmarkdown::render("exercise.Rmd", params = list(solutions = FALSE))
  output_file = "exercise-solutions",
  params = list(solutions = TRUE)

Parameterising a Quarto document

Quarto documents can also use the same parameterisation. The parameters can be changed as arguments to the command line interface or input in a params.yml file as described here.

For example, we may invoke the Quarto CLI as follows.

quarto render exercise.qmd -P solutions:TRUE

Or as follows if params.yml contains the line solutions: TRUE.

quarto render exercise.qmd --execute-params params.yml

Or rendering using the quarto R package we can change the parameters as follows. To generate the questions output document we run.

quarto::quarto_render("exercise.qmd", execute_params = list(solutions = "FALSE"))

And to generate the solutions output document we could run.

  output_file = "exercise-solutions.html",
  execute_params = list(solutions = "TRUE")

Customising the RStudio Knit button

The knitexercise package provides the knit_exercise() function to customise the Knit button in the RStudio Source pane. Its use is specified in the YAML header of the Rmd file as follows.

title: "Example exercise"
author: "My Name"
output: html_document
  solutions: FALSE
knit: knitexercise::knit_exercise

This function sets knitr::opts_chunk(include). If knitting with the Knit button, when solutions: is set to TRUE it adds the suffix -solutions to the output filename before the file extension. And when solutions: is set to FALSE it adds the suffix -questions to the output filename before the file extension.

Customising the Knit button is described by Yihui Xie here.