Package 'StepReg'

Title: Stepwise Regression Analysis
Description: The stepwise regression analysis is a statistical technique used to identify a subset of predictor variables essential for constructing predictive models. This package performs stepwise regression analysis across various regression models such as linear, logistic, Cox proportional hazards, Poisson, and gamma regression. It incorporates diverse stepwise regression algorithms like forward selection, backward elimination, and bidirectional elimination alongside the best subset method. Additionally, it offers a wide range of selection criteria, including Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), corrected AIC (AICc), Sawa Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC), Schwarz Bayesian Information Criterion (SBC), Significant Levels (SL), among others. Moreover, it facilitates the concurrent selection of multiple methods and criteria for variable selection. For user-friendly exploration and analysis, StepReg provides an intuitive R Shiny app.
Authors: Junhui Li [cre] , Junhui Li [aut] , Kai Hu [aut], Xiaohuan Lu [aut], Kun Cheng [ctb], Sushmita Nayak [ctb], Cesar Bautista Sotelo [ctb], Michael Lodato [ctb], Robert H Brown [ctb], Wenxin Liu [aut], Lihua Julie Zhu [aut]
Maintainer: Junhui Li <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 1.5.0
Built: 2025-01-27 04:11:15 UTC

Help Index



Cross-section data on the credit history for a sample of applicants for a type of credit card. This dataset is from CreditCard




A data frame containing 1,319 observations on 12 variables.


  • card Factor. Was the application for a credit card accepted?

  • reports Number of major derogatory reports.

  • age Age in years plus twelfths of a year.

  • income Yearly income (in USD 10,000).

  • share Ratio of monthly credit card expenditure to yearly income.

  • expenditure Average monthly credit card expenditure.

  • owner Factor. Does the individual own their home?

  • selfemp Factor. Is the individual self-employed?

  • dependents Number of dependents.

  • months Months living at current address.

  • majorcards Number of major credit cards held.

  • active Number of active credit accounts.

For more information, refer to CreditCard


Greene, W.H. (2003). Econometric Analysis, 5th edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Plots from a StepReg object


plot.StepReg visualizes the variable selection procedure using a StepReg object


## S3 method for class 'StepReg'
plot(x, ...)



StepReg object


Not used


line and point plot for summary of selection process.


## Not run: 
formula <- mpg ~ . + 0
p <- stepwise(formula = formula,
              data = mtcars,
              type = "linear",
              strategy = c("forward","bidirection","subset"),
              metric = c("AIC", "BIC"),
              best_n = 3)

## End(Not run)

Prints from a StepReg object


print.StepReg prints to console the from an object of class StepReg


## S3 method for class 'StepReg'
print(x, ...)



each dataframe from outputlist


further paramters


formatted dataframe



A dataset containing the remission and 6 risk factors thought to be related to leukemia remission.




A data frame with 27 rows and 7 columns.


  • remiss Indicates whether cancer remission occurred. A value of 1 indicates occurrence, while 0 indicates non-occurrence.

  • cell Cellularity of the marrow clot section

  • smear Smear differential percentage of blasts

  • infil Percentage of absolute marrow leukemia cell infiltrate

  • li Percentage labeling index of the bone marrow leukemia cells

  • blast The absolute number of blasts in the peripheral blood

  • temp The highest temperature before the start of treatment


Lee, E. T. (1974). “A Computer Program for Linear Logistic Regression Analysis.” Computer Programs in Biomedicine 4:80–92.

report from a StepReg object


report output all tables in StepReg object to a report with format of html, docx, pptx, and rtf.


report(x, report_name, format = c("html", "docx", "rtf", "pptx"))



StepReg object


report name


the format of report, choose one or more from 'html', 'docx', 'rtf', 'pptx'. default is 'html'


## Not run: 
mtcars$yes <- mtcars$wt
formula <- mpg ~ . + 0
x <- stepwise(formula = formula,
              data = mtcars,
              type = "linear",
              strategy = "bidirection",
              metric = c("AIC", "BIC"))
report(x,report_name = "report", format = c("html","docx"))

## End(Not run)

StepReg Shiny App


StepRegShinyApp is a Shiny application designed for performing stepwise regression analysis. In Step 1, users can upload their dataset, configure settings such as header, separator, and quotes, and select variables for distribution plots. In Step 2, users can choose the regression type (linear, logit, cox, poisson, or gamma), select dependent and independent variables, specify stepwise strategy (forward, backward, bidirectional, or subset), and set various metrics for model selection. The app dynamically adjusts input options based on the chosen regression type. Additionally, users can specify significant levels for entry and stay in the stepwise process. Finally, they can run the analysis to obtain stepwise regression results and visualize them through summary outputs and plots.



Main wrapper function for stepwise regression


Select optimal model using various stepwise regression strategies, e.g., Forward Selection, Backward Elimination, Bidirectional Elimination; meanwhile, it also supports Best Subset method. Four types of models are currently implemented: linear regression, logistic regression, Cox regression, Poisson, and Gamma regression. For selection criteria, a.k.a, stop rule, users can choose from AIC, AICc, BIC, HQ, Significant Level, and more.


  type = c("linear", "logit", "cox", "poisson", "Gamma"),
  include = NULL,
  strategy = c("forward", "backward", "bidirection", "subset"),
  metric = c("AIC", "AICc", "BIC", "CP", "HQ", "Rsq", "adjRsq", "SL", "SBC", "IC(3/2)",
  sle = 0.15,
  sls = 0.15,
  test_method_linear = c("Pillai", "Wilks", "Hotelling-Lawley", "Roy"),
  test_method_glm = c("Rao", "LRT"),
  test_method_cox = c("efron", "breslow", "exact"),
  tolerance = 1e-07,
  weight = NULL,
  best_n = 3,
  num_digits = 6



(formula) The formula used for model fitting by defining the scope of dependent and independent variables. The formula takes the form of a '~' (tilde) symbol, with the response variable(s) on the left-hand side, and the predictor variable(s) on the right-hand side. The 'lm()' function uses this formula to fit a regression model. A formula can be as simple as 'y ~ x'. For multiple predictors, they must be separated by the '+' (plus) symbol, e.g. 'y ~ x1 + x2'. To include an interaction term between variables, use the ':' (colon) symbol: 'y ~ x1 + x1:x2'. Use the '.' (dot) symbol to indicate that all other variables in the dataset should be included as predictors, e.g. 'y ~ .'. In the case of multiple response variables (multivariate), the formula can be specified as 'cbind(y1, y2) ~ x1 + x2'. By default, an intercept term is always included in the models, to exclude it, include '0' or '- 1' in your formula: 'y ~ 0 + x1', 'y ~ x1 + 0', and 'y ~ x1 - 1'.


(data.frame) A dataset consisting of predictor variable(s) and response variable(s).


(character) The stepwise regression type. Choose from 'linear', 'logit', 'poisson', 'cox', and 'Gamma'. Default is 'linear'. More information, see StepReg_vignettes


(NULL|character) A character vector specifying predictor variables that will always stay in the model. A subset of the predictors in the dataset.


(character) The model selection strategy. Choose from 'forward', 'backward', 'bidirectional' and 'subset'. Default is 'forward'. More information, see StepReg_vignettes


(character) The model selection criterion (model fit score). Used for the evaluation of the predictive performance of an intermediate model. Choose from 'AIC', 'AICc', 'BIC', 'CP', 'HQ', 'Rsq', 'adjRsq', 'SL', 'SBC', 'IC(3/2)', 'IC(1)'. Default is 'AIC'. More information, see StepReg_vignettes


(numeric) Significance Level to Enter. It is the statistical significance level that a predictor variable must meet to be included in the model. E.g. if 'sle = 0.05', a predictor with a P-value less than 0.05 will 'enter' the model. Default is 0.15.


(numeric) Significance Level to Stay. Similar to 'sle', 'sls' is the statistical significance level that a predictor variable must meet to 'stay' in the model. E.g. if 'sls = 0.1', a predictor that was previously included in the model but whose P-value is now greater than 0.1 will be removed.


(character) Test method for multivariate linear regression analysis, choose from 'Pillai', 'Wilks', 'Hotelling-Lawley', 'Roy'. Default is 'Pillai'. For univariate regression, 'F-test' will be used.


(character) Test method for logit, Poisson, or Gamma regression analysis, choose from 'Rao', 'LRT'. Default is 'Rao'. Only "Rao" is available for strategy = 'subset'.


(character) Test method for cox regression analysis, choose from 'efron', 'breslow', 'exact'. Default is 'efron'.


(numeric) A statistical measure used to assess multicollinearity in a multiple regression model. It is calculated as the proportion of the variance in a predictor variable that is not accounted for by the other predictor variables in the model. Default is 1e-07.


(numeric) A numeric vector specifying the coefficients assigned to the predictor variables. The magnitude of the weight reflects the degree to which each predictor variable contributes to the prediction of the response variable. The range of weight should be from 0 to 1. Values greater than 1 will be coerced to 1, and values less than 0 will be coerced to 0. Default is NULL, which means that all weight are set equal.


(numeric(integer)) The number of models to be retained in the process output. Default is 3, indicating that only the top 3 best models with the same number of variables are displayed. If all models are displayed, set it to Inf.


(numeric(integer)) The number of digits to keep when rounding the results. Default is 6.


A list containing multiple tables will be returned.

  • Summary of arguments for model selection: Arguments used in the stepwise function, either default or user-supplied values.

  • Summary of variables in dataset: Variable names, types, and classes in dataset.

  • Summary of selection process under xxx(strategy) with xxx(metric): Overview of the variable selection process under specified strategy and metric.

  • Summary of coefficients for the selected model with xxx(dependent variable) under xxx(strategy) and xxx(metric): Coefficients for the selected models under specified strategy with metric.


Junhui Li, Kai Hu, Xiaohuan Lu


Alsubaihi, A. A., Leeuw, J. D., and Zeileis, A. (2002). Variable strategy in multivariable regression using sas/iml. , 07(i12).

Darlington, R. B. (1968). Multiple regression in psychological research and practice. Psychological Bulletin, 69(3), 161.

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Harold Hotelling. (1992). The Generalization of Student's Ratio. Breakthroughs in Statistics. Springer New York.

Hocking, R. R. (1976). A biometrics invited paper. the analysis and strategy of variables in linear regression. Biometrics, 32(1), 1-49.

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Pillai, K. . (1955). Some new test criteria in multivariate analysis. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 26(1), 117-121.

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Sawa, T. (1978). Information criteria for discriminating among alternative regression models. Econometrica, 46(6), 1273-1291.

Schwarz, G. (1978). Estimating the dimension of a model. Annals of Statistics, 6(2), pags. 15-18.


## perform multivariate linear stepwise regression with 'bidirection' 
## strategy and 'AIC' stop rule, excluding intercept.
mtcars$yes <- mtcars$wt
formula <- cbind(mpg,drat) ~ . + 0
stepwise(formula = formula,
         data = mtcars,
         type = "linear",
         strategy = "bidirection",
         metric = "AIC")
## perform linear stepwise regression with 'bidirection' strategy and 
## "AIC","SBC","SL","AICc","BIC", and "HQ" stop rule.
formula <- mpg ~ . + 1
stepwise(formula = formula,
         data = mtcars,
         type = "linear",
         strategy = c("forward","bidirection"),
         metric = c("AIC","SBC","SL","AICc","BIC","HQ"))

## perform logit stepwise regression with 'forward' strategy and significance
## level as stop rule.
formula <- remiss ~ .
stepwise(formula = formula,
         data = remission,
         type = "logit",
         strategy = "forward",
         metric = "SL",