Package 'Statamarkdown'

Title: 'Stata' Markdown
Description: Settings and functions to extend the 'knitr' 'Stata' engine.
Authors: Doug Hemken [aut, cre] (SSCC, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison), Tom Palmer [ctb] (MacOS, linux), Philipp Lepert [ctb]
Maintainer: Doug Hemken <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 0.9.2
Built: 2025-01-27 02:54:07 UTC

Help Index

Settings and functions to extend the knitr Stata engine.


To use these functions and settings, attach the Statamarkdown library from within the document to be knit. A typical preliminary code check in a document would be

    ```{r setup, include=FALSE}

Using the "Stata" language engine in knitr has a number of limitations. Each Stata code chunk is run as a separate batch file, and source code is part of the output returned to the document being knit. This package provides a language engine with code chunk options to overcome these limitations.

If you render multiple documents from the same script or R session, you should detach("Statamarkdown") in between documents.

Code Block (Chunk) Options

Statamarkdown Chunk Options

collectcode: (logical)

A function here sets up a chunk hook, that silently repeats selected code chunks at the beginning of later code chunks. This allows the code in one chunk to use the results of a previous chunk. The user marks code chunks to be silently repeated with the chunk option collectcode=TRUE.

cleanlog: (logical)

A second function here sets up an output hook. This removes Stata code from the output by default. To leave Stata commands in the output, specify the chunk option cleanlog=FALSE.

savedo: (logical)

To save the code from a code block (as a "do" file) and also to save the Stata log file produced by that code block, specify chunk option savedo=TRUE. The filenames are the same as the chunk label.

Knitr Chunk Options

eval: (logical)

Whether or not to evaluate the code in the code block. Use eval=FALSE to show code to the reader without having it evaluated.

Selective evaluation by specifying a numeric vector (an option for R code blocks) does not work for Stata.

include: (logical)

Whether or not any trace of this code block appears in your document. Use include=FALSE to evaluate code but suppress the source code echo and all output (including error messages).

This is equivalent to eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE, results="hide", error=FALSE.

echo: (logical, numeric vector)

Whether or not to show the reader the source code. Use echo=FALSE to suppress the source code in your document.

If this is specified as a numeric vector, it indicates which source lines to show or suppress. For example, echo=c(1,2) shows only the first two lines of the code block in the document (while still evaluating the entire code block). Likewise, echo=-1 hides just the first line of code from the reader.

results: (character)

To suppress normal output while still showing error messages use results="hide".

error: (logical)

Whether or not to show error messages in your document. To suppress error messages use error=FALSE.

Error messages that Stata writes to the log will appear as normal output - they are not "errors" in this context. This option affects error messages returned to/by the operating system.

comment: (character)

A prefix to use before lines of output. The default for R output is comment="##"

child: (character)

Filename to be run and input in the document.


Doug Hemken


More documentation and examples:

See Also

The package that this extends: knitr-package.

A helper function that seeks to locate your Stata executable. Ordinarily this is run automatically when Statamarkdown is loaded.


This function searches for recent versions of Stata (>= Stata 11), in some of the usual default installation locations.

If Stata is not found, you will have to specify it's correct location yourself.





(logical) Whether or not to print a message when Stata is found.


A character string with the path and name of the Stata executable.


Doug Hemken

See Also



indoc <- '
# An R console example
## In a first code chunk, set up with

## Then mark Stata code chunks with
sysuse auto, clear
generate gpm = 1/mpg
summarize price gpm

if (!is.null(Statamarkdown::find_stata())) {
  # To run this example, remove tempdir().
  fmd <- file.path(tempdir(), "")
  fhtml <- file.path(tempdir(), "test.html")

  knitr::knit(text=indoc, output=fmd)
  rmarkdown::render(fmd, "html_document", fhtml)

Convert a specially marked up Stata "do" file to Markdown and HTML.


This function takes a Stata file containing special mark up in it's comments, and converts it to Markdown and HTML documents (or one of several other formats).


spinstata(statafile, text=NULL, keep=FALSE, ...)



A character string with the name of a Stata "do" file, containing markup in it's comments.


A character string in place of a file.


Whether to save intermediate files.


options passed to knitr::spin


This function takes a Stata file containing special mark up in it's comments, and converts it into knitr's "spin" format. This is in turn sent to knitr::spin, and converted to Markdown and HTML (or one of several other formats).

Special Markup:

  • "/*' " - Begin document text, ends with "'*/"

  • "/*+ " - Begin chunk header, ends with "+*/"

  • "/*R " - Begin a chunk of R code, ends with "R*/"

  • "*/* " - Dropped from document, ends with "*/*"


The path to the output file.

If given text instead of a file, returns the compiled document as a character string.


Doug Hemken

See Also



## Not run: 
indoc <- "/*'
# Statamarkdown Example

This is a special Stata script which can be used to generate a report.
You can write normal text in command-style comments.

First we load Statamarkdown.

  /*+  setup +*/

  /*' The report begins here. '*/

  /*+  example1, engine='stata' +*/
  sysuse auto
/* Stata comment */

/*' You can use the ***usual*** Markdown to mark up text.'*/
if (!is.null(Statamarkdown::find_stata())) {
  # To run this example, remove tempdir().
  fhtml <- file.path(tempdir(), "test.html")
  writeLines(x, fhtml)

## End(Not run)

Define a Stata engine for knitr


This function creates a modified Stata engine.

Set up once per session (i.e. document). Ordinarily this is run automatically when Statamarkdown is loaded.





options are passed to the engine function when it is actually invoked within knitr.


This function is used as follows.

  • stata_engine(options) is a language engine that returns Stata log output.

    The end user should not need to use the language engine function directly. This is the workhorse function that actually calls Stata and returns output.


The language engine function returns Stata code and output internally to knitr.


Doug Hemken

See Also



indoc <- '
# An R console example
## In a first code chunk, set up with

## Then mark Stata code chunks with
sysuse auto, clear
generate gpm = 1/mpg
summarize price gpm

if (!is.null(Statamarkdown::find_stata())) {
  # To run this example, remove tempdir().
  fmd <- file.path(tempdir(), "")
  fhtml <- file.path(tempdir(), "test.html")

  knitr::knit(text=indoc, output=fmd)
  rmarkdown::render(fmd, "html_document", fhtml)